July 10, 2011

Arting Once More....

My goodness it's been much too long.  I should update more often but time flies so fast lately.  A new drawing to catch up - this one is a Great Horned Owl, which was done on 8.5 x 11" acid free paper with a mechanical pencil for the annual Island Nature Trust Fundraiser. 

November 5, 2009

New art

I did a little oil pastel, 10x12" ish on some Arches while I was home, a drawing for my dad's birthday.  Took about 5 hrs all told, and was based on a lovely photo reference.   It turned out so well, I did a second version for a friend I'm doing an art swap with for her final gift.  Hurray!   And I just finished a painting (20x24" oil on canvas) for my brother too.  The photo of the horse one really gives it no justice, it bled all the shading out due to the flash.  Darn.  In any case, it's not nearly as nice in the photo so I am not posting it until I have a better image for it.  The cardinal is close to accurate though.  Again not as nice but close enough I'm content.